24 January 2011


A lot of our assessments and rehabilitation includes what we call isokinetics.  This testing is done on an Isokinetics machine or dynamometer, and this machine can determine muscle strength and imbalances.  It can give us a good idea if one leg is stronger than the other, for example, and what exactly we need to work on to improve on those results. We can also use the isokinetic machine to do exercises on, as you would do a leg press, for example.  So the machine can provide us with lots of information.
We can assess the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle on the machine, and from those results, provide you with an exercise program to help correct whatever we find.  It’s also easy to reassess you in a couple of weeks and see that your improvement is like; we can give you an actual percentage!  So we use the machine in all our assessments and in some of our rehabilitation sessions to give us detailed information to work with; and to give you a comprehensive rehabilitation program and to aid in your recovery.
Things to remember when it comes to the isokinetic machine:
·         We cannot test you or exercise you on the machine if the joint is painful, swollen or inflamed.
·         Post-surgery, we can only test you on the machine between 10 and 12 weeks after the operation.
If you would like more information on the Isokinetic machine, here are some website links that you can take a look at:

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